Training, Trails, and 86 in July!

28 Jul

Hi everyone! I hope you all are having as good of a day as I am. Today I pulled myself out of bed at 7:45, ate some toast with Apple butter (yummy!) and packed up my bike for a ride. In about one month I’ll be participating in a sprint triathlon on August 26th and my training started a couple weeks ago. Actually training is supposed to be 10 weeks, but even with the couple weeks I have been working out, its going to be crazy hard. I can do this! (that’s been my mantra lately) I found a trail right by my house and was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it. It’s only 3.3 miles from trailhead to trailhead, but its runs along the Meramec River so the scenery is really nice. I managed to do around 14 miles which really wasn’t so bad since I literally haven’t ridden a bike in 10 years. I remembered why I loved it as a kid though. Brought back some good memories. Please tell me other people used to put baseball cards on their wheels to sound like a motorcycle…. no?


Meramec River Trail map

This was a really fun trail found right at highway 141 and highway 44 in Fenton, Mo in case anyone is interested. I was also pleasantly surprised with the temp today; only up to 86! This is a cool spell for us since its been in the 100’s for the last month and a half. It just feels so nice out! I even washed my car…. A rare occurance for me.

Well I’m off to enjoy the rest of the weekend; some projects, some relaxing, working out with my trainer and Grants Farm with my family. Sounds like a perfect weekend. Have a good one!

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